- Name: pumpkinjam
- Location: Bedworth, Warwickshire, United Kingdom
I am Mum to 2 sons who have been inspiration for much of my poetry. I'm also blessed with 2 bonus daughters and 3 granddaughters.
I have had several poems published in different books but I thought it would be nice to keep it all in one place.
Unfortunately I don't have all of my older poetry but I've tried to remember to keep new stuff here.
You can also see articles, poems, and the occasional short story of mine on Vocal https://vocal.media/authors/sapphire-ravenclaw
Buy my designs on various products here: SMRavenclaw.redbubble.com
You can also search for my work under various names: Sapphire M. Ravenclaw, Rebecca/Becky Lucas/Harvey
View my complete profile
you can also read this, as well as some of the others at thepoetsanctuary.net
This one is dedicated to my baby son Francis. You can read "My Angel", a poem dedicated to my other son, Rhys in Dazzled by the Moon. Published 2003 by United Press Ltd. Ifd I ever find the poem myself, I'll post it on here!
That's Dazzled by the Moon (West Midlands Edition)
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